This is my pet fish, Boo.

You can’t see him, but he used to be blue.

He used to swim in his tank

’til the sun went and sank.

Always the prettiest fish to behold.

But then the day came

When the truth became plain

That my finned little friend was old.

‘What will I do without you!’ I cried,

‘Who will dance with me to the polka with pride!’

And then he was belly up;

I couldn’t bear to look.

My best friend had clearly died.

We flushed him with flowers,

A few words were said,

And I swear when the accordion played

I saw him dancing just there to the side.

‘You’re just tired,’ Dad tried.

‘You just miss him,’ Mom sighed.

But I tell you I saw him.

I definitely know that sassy glide.

Sure enough when the lights went out

A flicker and a flash and a funny tail flop

And there was my buddy shining high up in the dark.

Maybe I should have been scared,

But it’s actually really the best.

Now he comes with me wherever I go,

And when he dances, you wouldn’t believe the glow.

Will he be with me forever?

I can’t really know, but maybe he’ll stay ’til I also go.

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