In a fit of writing

I haven’t worked too much on anything major, but I’m trying to be better about collecting the tiny things that keep piling up in my desk and my backpack and pockets.ย  (I’ve already sent at least one thing through the wash, though.)ย  Exhaustion and depression slammed me hard the last couple of days, and while I had a feeling something might come to be afoot, I was not expecting it to be nearly so rough, so of course I hadn’t warned anyone, hadn’t arranged anything to take care of myself, just generally hadn’t bothered, aaaaand it has not been the best.ย  So I did that to myself.ย  And a couple of poor, unsuspecting favorite people.ย  I don’t know how they love me, but I’m learning not to question it too hard if they insist on sticking with me even through something like this.ย  That being said, I do not want to repeat this show.ย  Having a plan is HIGHLY IMPORTANT, gang.ย  For the love of all that is good in this world, have a plan.

I’ve been walking around with a lamb plushie for two days now, because it’s soft and cute and I need all the help I can get right now.ย  Is it probably weird to bring an emotional support lamb to work with me?ย  Oh, yeah, totally, but here we are.ย  No one’s actually said anything about it, though, so I’m not sure if they haven’t noticed or are just kind of used to me?ย  I suppose it works out either way.ย  It’s doing what I need it to do.ย  This is fine.

But this is not why we’re here!ย  In the midst of all this, I was taken with a fit of writing.ย  Which then, of course, meant I had to start sorting through the nest of ink bled into scraps of dead tree shavings that is my life or risk becoming a fire hazard (like my entire office isn’t pretty much alreadyyyyy).ย ย Here’s what I’ve pulled for your viewing pleasure.

Okay, cool.ย  Glad we had this talk.

Can we just have the quiet bit of adventure now, please?ย  Pretty please?

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